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Welcome everyone to the UGL Hearthstone tournament!!

Check back weekly for your current matches.


Latest rankings and matches are below!




Your Hearthstone Admins


David Gadoury

Vincent Cotineau-Soufflet


Save the Date!
April  27th
Salle Ville Marie

1st : Warcraft Doomhammer Power Bank


2nd: Hearthstone Hardcover Journal


3rd: Annoy-a-tron Prankster Pack

Congratulations to our Season 4 Winner: Dax !

RULESET: Hearthstone

Article 1 – Battle.NET ID

All players must have a valid Battle.NET ID.


Article 2 – Server Choice & Default Match Time

All games will be played on the North America (NA) server.


To the exception of the finals, the competitors may decide which time they want to play.


The default time is during lunch time on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Mondays (of the next week). If there is no agreements on match times, the opponents should be played on the default match time. If both player can’t set match times, and cannot play at the same time on the default time to play, the win will go to the one who can play the most during default times (player 1 can play on Wednesday and Thursday (2) and player 2 can play only on Monday(1), player 1 wins).


In order to fit the new format all scores must be sent before the next Monday at 1pm.


Failing to do so will result in an automatic forfeit for one or both player.


Article 3 – Tournament Format
  • Standard Format (Not Wild) (if new cards are added or removed from the set, it will also apply to the tournament)

  • Single Elimination

  • BO5 (Finals BO7)

  • Ban Conquest. Players will bring 4 classes. Conquest Explanation Video


Article 4 – Results

The winner has the responsibility to send the match’s results to the UGL Committee (


For the Swiss phase, only send the score (3-2, 3-1 or 3-0) and the screenshots of victory/defeats. Tie breakers will use the Median Buchholz. Wins award 2 points, losses -1 (to prevent having ties where winning 3-1 is better than winning 3-0. If there is a Bye (because the number of players is uneven or because your opponent has dropped from the tournament) 4 points will be awarded (on a possibility of 6 if you’d 3-0 you’re whole best of 5.


For the final phase,  send  the detailed result of each game (which heroes were playing and won each game) example: (player A druid won vs player B warrior, player A Mage lost vs player B Warrior, Player A paladin won vs player B mage) along with final results and screenshots.


Draws should be replayed for both phases and does not count. Disconnecting counts as a loss.


Article 5 – Conflicts

It will be important for the competitors to make sure to play their game every week and send the results to the admins. Should you be unable to play or find your opponent, please inform an admin ASAP (David Gadoury/Vincent Cotineau-Soufflet).


Should there be a conflict between 2 players about the result of a match, an admin will decide how to handle the rematch (remember that this is a friendly league and that there shouldn’t be such an issue. If you fear your opponent might contest your results, take a screenshot of your victories (with both player’s name) and send it to the admin with you match result.

Last Updated: 2017-02-20

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