Dragonball FighterZ

Register before
March 9th!
Welcome to the Ubisoft S5 Dragonball FighterZ tournament!
The format will be 1v1 matches using a pool phase and a double elimination bracket.
Please be sure that you have flexibility with available gaming hours. This will really help us admin the tournament and make it easier on everyone!
Your UGL S5 Dragonball FighterZ Admins
Nolan Ellis
Congratulations to our Year 5 Bloc 2 Champion!
Pedro Rodriguez
RULESET: Dragonball FighterZ
1.2. Settings
1.2.1. Rounds
- Up to Grand Finals: Best-of-Three
- Grand Finals: Best-Of-FIve
- Timer: Default (300s)
- Bracket: Double-Elimination
1.3. Technical Issues
- If a bug arises during gameplay, reset the round
- In the case of an accidental pause, the person who did NOT pause can decide whether to play it out or if they want to take the automatic win.
- If an accidental pause occurs during a super animation (during which no one can move), decisions are to be made at the discretion of UGL Admins on site.
- Coaching is not allowed.
1.4. Disqualification
To keep tournaments as efficient as possible, UGL reserves the right to disqualify players. This will only be done in cases where a player purposefully stalls or attempts to block another player. In some scenarios both players may be affected. Any player found to be using a known exploit will forfeit their game upon the first occurrence of the exploit. If the player is found to use another known exploit for a second time and it is determined to have been done on purpose they will be removed from the event and barred from any future events.
2.1. 1on1 Tournament Format
2.1.1. Match Settings
Size: 1on1
Format: Best of 3, with Best of 5 finals
Bracket: Single Elimination
2.2. No show
If your opponent is not ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled match time, please contact the on site Admin. This is the fastest way to get your match checked to move on to the next round.
2.3. Forfeit
Participants can choose to forfeit a match if they wish. Forfeiting will result in loss of the match and possible penalty points.
2.4. Protests
If a match was incorrectly reported by your opponents, you have 10 minutes to protest the report. UGL reserves the right to decrease this period in case of drastic delays. Match protests must include media evidence clearly showing the results of the match/series. Players are responsible for providing proof of match results in case of disputes.
2.5. Admins
All participants must adhere to the decisions and rules of the tournament organizers, admins, and referees. All decisions are final, except in cases where the option to appeal is clearly stated. UGL reserves the right to make judgement on cases not specifically covered by the rules in order to preserves the spirit of fair competition and sportsmanship. Conversations, either verbal or written, between organizers, admins, or referees, and participants are confidential. Publicly posting or sharing these conversations with outside parties is strictly forbidden, unless permission is obtained.
Last Updated: 2018-02-19