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Rocket League

Save the Date!
May 9th
Register before
March 22nd!










Welcome to the Ubisoft S6 Rocket League tournament!


The format will consist of two teams of three (3v3) with one sub using an elimination bracket.


Please be sure that your team has flexibility with available gaming hours.  This will really help us admin the tournament and make it easier on everyone!


Your Rocket League Admins


Joel Daignault

David Gadoury


RULESET: Rocket League

General Tournament Rules

Match Settings and Procedures

1.    Game Settings

  • Default Arena: DFH Stadium

  • Team Size: 3v3

  • Bot Difficulty: No Bots

  • Mutators: None

  • Match Time: 5 Minutes

  • Joinable By: Name/Password

  • Platform: Steam/PC

  • Server: US­East


2.    Rosters

Rosters consist of three (3) to four (4) players. Players may not simultaneously be on the roster of more than one team during the tournament.


3.    Match Scheduling

Each week, a list of matchups will be communicated to all players. Team captains will be required to communicate with their opposing team captains to coordinate and schedule their match. The match may take place during lunch, evening or morning, but not during work hours.


4.    Game Start

Players may not join their designated side until all 3 players from each team have entered the game. The first game is played on DFH Stadium. The losing team of each match will select the next arena. Arena choices may be repeated during the series.


5.    Reporting Scores

After a series is completed, the captain of the winning team must submit the match count to the tournament organizers using the following template:


  • Subject: UGL – Rocket League Results – Match [X]

  • To: UGL-S6-RocketLeague-Admins

  • Cc: [Team Captains] from the game

  • Body: Scoreline + Screenshots


If a team disputes a match claiming a win and submits proof of their claim, the other team must submit proof of their claim to avoid an automatic forfeit of the match. Any teams or players found to be submitting false or doctored results will be disqualified from the tournament.


6.    Re­hosts

Both teams may mutually agree to cancel the current game of the match and re­host the match due to connection issues.


7.    Disconnects

In the event of a disconnect, the shorthanded team will continue to play out the match. The disconnected player may rejoin during the game, or in between games of the series.


8.    Substitutions

Substitutions are not allowed during a game or series, but can be done between series.


9.    Observers & Broadcasting

In­game observers are not allowed except for UGL administrators. All players are allowed to stream the game at any time with a 2 minute delay.


10.    Bugs & Glitches

In the event of a bug or glitch that affects gameplay, the full match should be played out. If a Team calls for a rematch due to the bug or glitch they must save the replay then submit it to an UGL administrator for review.


11.    Cheating

Using cheats or any third ­party tools outside of Steam is forbidden.


12.    Nametags, Team Names, and Avatars

Nametags, Team Names, and Avatars must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • They shall not be offensive, obscene or vulgar, and shall not contain offensive, obscene or vulgar language (as determined by the Tournament Organizers in their sole discretion).

  • They must not contain any sensitive or confidential information about Ubisoft or any project concerning Ubisoft.

  • A roster shall not contain duplicates of the same nametag, nametags that consist only of symbols, nor contain nametags that are very hard to distinguish from each other.

  • Nametags must remain consistent during the entirety of the tournament

UGL administrators may ask Players to change their Nametags, Team Names, and/or Avatars for any reason.


13.    Rule Violations

Violating rules of the tournament may result in punishments for teams and/or players. Punishments will be decided at the discretion of the tournament organizers and may include a loss of game, loss of match, tournament disqualification, and/or ban from UGL competition.

Last Updated: 2019-04-08

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